Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Super Scientists!

The past two days we have been exploring in science. They love putting on their lab coats and using our tools like our magnify glasses and goggles. We explored some nature we collected outside, and today we explored lots of different types of rocks.

We discussed properties - size, color, mass, shape, and texture. And have been trying to make observations of these objects properties!

North Pole Surprise

Nurse Pam ran in our room and said a few elves just came to the office to drop off a package STRAIGHT from the NORTH POLE!! Our package was even cold to the touch... we all wanted to feel it! We ran to the window to see if we could still see them, but they were too speedy fast they were already gone. We opened up our gift and it was an "Elf on the Shelf" book. We read it and it told us our elf would visit us soon to see how good we were being. Sure enough, once we headed in from recess our elf was hiding up on the smart board. We all waved to it and said hi! We brainstormed several name ideas but finally decided on Lucy. :)